Cloture Vote on S. 3217 on April 26

Our senators will soon decide whether or not to further empower the Federal Reserve and help set the stage for future financial crises.

Senator Harry Reid has scheduled a cloture vote on S. 3217, Chris Dodd’s financial regulatory reform legislation, for this coming Monday, April 26. A “cloture” vote is taken when the Majority Leader wants to overcome a filibuster, limit debate and amendments, and proceed to a final vote on a bill.

Contact your senators today (Gregg and Shaheen) and tell them that a vote for cloture is a vote to enhance the Federal Reserve’s power and to further entangle the federal government in our economy.

Also, CALL, EMAIL, and FAX these 8 Republican Senators who are not yet 100% opposed to this bill:

Bob Bennett of Utah (202) 224-5444

Susan Collins of Maine (202) 224-2523

Christopher Bond of Missouri (202) 224-5721

Saxby Chambliss of Georgia (202) 224-3521

Bob Corker of Tennessee (202) 224-3344

John McCain of Arizona (202) 224-2235

Olympia Snowe of Maine (202) 224-5344

Scott Brown of Massachusetts (202) 224-4543

Unlike Harry Reid and Chris Dodd, the liberty movement is well aware that legitimate financial reform starts with finding out what the ones who helped devalue our dollar and wreck our economy have been doing with their power.

It’s well past time to completely audit the Federal Reserve and require a thorough accounting from our nation’s central bank.

For yet another example of the need for a full audit, watch this video below where Congressman Ron Paul grilled Ben Bernanke at a recent Joint Economic Committee hearing, where Dr. Paul had to continually ask the Fed chairman where the U.S. was going to get the money to help bail out other countries.

Chris Dodd, Harry Reid, and Senate leaders think they can get by with not only eliminating Ron Paul’s Audit the Fed language from the financial reform bill, but also with handing even more power to the Fed.

Make sure they know you are serious about holding them accountable for their actions.

Urge your senators to stand up for the American people and true financial reform by working for a standalone, up or down vote on Audit the Fed, S. 604.

And tell them you also expect them to stop rewarding the federal government for its own failures by opposing Chris Dodd’s financial reform legislation on all votes, including Monday’s cloture vote.

Chris Matthews interviews Ron Paul and wrongly assumes he’s not a social conservative. He is against abortion, and interference in marriage by government. But he’s right about him being the father of the tea parties.