Porter’s Tour a Pyrrhic Victory

Carol Shea-Porter was met with some serious opposition tonight at her very first town hall in Bedford.

Despite the chilly rain, protesters stood outside with signs, and then went in to question her on her recent vote for what many Americans feel to be the most overreaching and unconstitutional legislation to violate them in their lifetime.

The town halls, which were supposed to prove that even in the most conservative towns people were not angry about this, proved to be just the opposite with about 75% of the 300 or so attendees being dissatisfied with her vote.

Of the approximately dozen or so questions asked (questioners were chosen by lottery) only about 3 were in support of her. Some shouted comments in between her somewhat long and rambling speeches, but generally the crowd was what you might call firm but polite.

The event brought many new recruits to the tea party movement as volunteers handed out flyers at the door, both in Bedford and later in Merrimack, where she spoke to another 300 or so attendees.

From an account written up on WMUR-TV: “In Bedford, the majority of the questions were in opposition to Shea-Porter’s health care vote, and pressed her on other policies as well. Some people shouted, “How are your polls, Carol?”

Frightening quote from above article: “Why didn’t Congress take on the insurance companies and say, ‘We want one company or maybe two to run it for the whole country?'” said Frank Zito, of Bedford.”

Because just maybe Frank, this is called fascism?

Related: Rep. Faces Unhappy Constituents At NH Town Hall

Related: Democrat Says This Bill Scares Him

Video Credit: Andrew Manuse, Manuse Media Hub