Shaheen Defies Constituents Signs Letter

Shaheen Signs Public Option Letter, Becomes No. 18
Talking Points Memo

Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) has signed a letter urging leadership to pass a public option via reconciliation, the 18th senator to do so.

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Contact Shaheen and tell her to STOP ignoring the majority of the public who do NOT want Obamacare, let alone the PUBLIC OPTION!!!

Here are more details courtesy of the NH State GOP:


Despite Overwhelming Opposition From Her Constituents, Arrogant Senator STILL Pushing For Government Takeover of Health Care

CONCORD – Despite overwhelming opposition from her constituents, Senator Jeanne Shaheen yesterday announced that she supports using “reconciliation” to ram the Democrats’ government takeover of health care through the United States Senate (TPMDC, 2/18). Reconciliation is a fast-track legislative process in the Senate that would allow the Democrats to limit debate and avoid any serious effort to negotiate bipartisan health care reform.

According to a recent poll conducted by the University of New Hampshire (2/4), the Democrats’ reckless health care agenda is “deeply unpopular in New Hampshire.” Only 26% of Granite Staters support ObamaCare while a whopping 57% oppose it.

“Jeanne Shaheen continues to demonstrate that she’s an arrogant Washington politician who is radically out of touch with New Hampshire values,” said NHGOP Communications Director Ryan Williams “If Jeanne Shaheen hasn’t figured out by now that New Hampshire has rejected her disastrous government takeover of health care, she’s either not listening to her constituents, or she’s just clueless. Or both.”

Congresswoman Carol Shea-Porter has signed a similar letter drafted by liberal members of the House (Colorado Independent, 2/5) that also calls for reconciliation. Congressman Hodes has said that he “agrees with the sentiment of the letter.” (, 1/29)

“Jeanne Shaheen, Paul Hodes and Carol Shea-Porter have decided to ignore the clear message sent by Scott Brown’s victory in the Massachusetts Senate election,” said Williams. “Voters want the arrogant, out of touch Democrats in Washington to drop their disastrous government takeover of health care and start focusing on fixing the economic mess they created.”

Hodes has now also signed a similar letter…

Contact Shaheen, Hodes, and Shea-Porter using the information from the Contacts Page