Massive Astroturf Network Revealed

Right Side News reports on the phony grassroots groups that are backed with millions of elitist dollars.

When Astroturf is really Astroturf: Phony Grassroots PAC Reveals Massive 527 Network Run By Two Activists Backed with Union Millions

Tea Party groups have been called everything by our illustrious leaders in Washington: “fringe,” “wingnuts,” “lunatics” and famously, “Astroturf” by none other than Queen “Stretch” Pelosi Herself. But the true astroturfers are all on the Democrat side of the ledger, from Obama advisor David Axelrod, who became synonymous with Astroturfing as a prominent PR executive, to their busloads of “paid volunteer” Service Employees International Union (SEIU) and ACORN flunkies storming Tea Party rallies.

But the latest in the Democrat’s increasingly transparent Astroturf campaign is an organization which personifies the word: Presenting itself as a group whose mission is to “…prevent the Tea Party’s dangerous ideas…” you know, the really subversive ones like lower taxes, state’s rights and limited government, “from gaining legislative traction.” They call the widespread belief in Obama’s blatantly socialistic tendencies “dangerous,” – not his socialism that is, but the belief that he is socialist – and call the Tea Party movement a mere “fad.”

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