Just Another Lie

Despite claims by the Obama administration of providing the utmost degree of transparency and cooperation, this administration has been guilty of doing just the opposite. Numerous letters, calls and emails from GOP Congressmen sent directly to the President with ideas and input have been ignored, not even given the courtesy of being acknowledged. The head of C-Span even wrote to ask why negotiations could not be televised, and Robert Gibbs avoided the question stating he hadn’t seen the letter.

Gimme a break!

Hear Jack Cafferty of CNN rip the Dems a new one on being the new “Party of No…”

Quote: “There’s never been a more open process for any legislation…”

– The audacity of the big lie, by Nancy Pelosi, House Majority Leader and daughter of a Baltimore mafia boss Tommy D’Alessandro, a political giant that ran everything in Baltimore in the 40’s and 50’s.

Related: American Voters Starting to Hold Democrats to Account