Statement on Health Care Vote


CONCORD – Former New Hampshire Governor and Republican State Committee Chairman John H. Sununu released the following statement today on the Senate health care vote:

“Today, Senate Democrats enthusiastically supported a health care bill that will bankrupt our country and saddle future generations with crippling deficits. A majority of Americans oppose this legislation because they realize that it will not improve the quality or reduce the cost of health care.

“The Republican Leadership in the New Hampshire House and Senate repeatedly warned Governor Lynch that the Democrats’ disastrous health care agenda would bankrupt the Granite State. Instead of taking a strong stand against this legislation, the Governor remained silent while members of his Party rushed this bill through the United States Senate. Now, New Hampshire will be saddled with over $1 billion in additional Medicaid costs that will devastate the state budget and lead to a job-killing income tax.

“Because Governor Lynch and the free spending Democrats failed to reduce spending in New Hampshire, our budget is already over $500 million dollars short on continuing revenue. The legislation passed in the Senate today will simply add to that budget hole and make the state’s fiscal challenges even worse.”

Related: What Soviet Medicine Teaches Us

For those of us approaching our 60s… this describes exactly how these CER panels will measure who is worth it and who isn’t. THESE ARE DEATH PANELS, don’t let them kid you. The belief system described in the above article has been written about EXTENSIVELY by at least 4 czars in power now and advising the president… not to mention George Soros who runs him, and us, now.