The Serpent Beguiled Me

And I Did Eat…
by Steve MacDonald

Senator Gregg got a letter from some “religious leaders” whose purpose was clearly to connote a statewide overreaching feeling from people of religion that there is a majority interest in current so-called health care reform and debate as contained in the Senate Bill currently in play. But a cursory view of the list of signatories and their affiliations demonstrates a liberal self-interest from a cabal of theologians with left-leaning agendas and connections. Wanting the Senate (or House) Health Care bill to pass is as natural to them as it is to pocket-sized socialists Paul Hodes or Carol Shea-Porter. This letter is not so much a plea for debate as it is an apple from the serpent.

Most of these “leaders” are Unitarians, Congregationalists, Methodists, and Liberal Episcopalians. The majority of the signers, or their faiths, support environmental justice, reproductive freedom, and social justice. And they are not against using your tax dollars to advance their interests, including federal funding for abortions.

My research shows that some of them are registered Democrats and/or Obama supporters. (I have not yet searched the entire list) Some appear to be long-time environmental activists. Another is a fan of “The Golden Compass,” by author Philip Pullman who is an avowed atheist committed to the end of organized religion as we know it. Something he should know and not promote without reason. Others openly advocate forms of “justice” that fit the left wing Democrat/Obama narrative.

So what is my point? They are pro-Democrat advocates and their call for open debate on matters of reform is fraudulent. There is no record of them supporting, advocating, or defending any of the dozens of Republican efforts at Health Care reform, or of any objection to those efforts having been abruptly shot down (including amendments) by a partisan Democrat majority in both chambers. (Stupak was accepted as a parliamentary vote-getting trick and is of no consequence until reconciliation)

Calling for “open debate” is just a smoke screen for their individual and denominational support for the Democrat agenda. This is a partisan wolf cloaked in sheep’s clothing. Senator Gregg should see it for what it is and act accordingly.

These “leaders” who affirm that all human life is sacred and state that their moral values compel them to promote and advocate this particular reform, support or condone by association, reproductive rights and death with dignity. That’s killing babies and old people for those not familiar with the argot; things which a majority of Americans are against. Their values also promote social and environmental justice, which is code for a redistribution of wealth and resource management that invariably shifts decision making power away from you and down to Washington DC. That makes them big government socialists.

So they would happily allow the government to use the rule of law to tithe you to advance their values.

In short, they just want Gregg to get out of the way so that this train wreck of a bill can get passed into law. And they are using their religious trappings as cover. They don’t want open debate and they never did. If Gregg won’t swallow the Koolaid or take a bite at their apple, they want him to sit down and shut up.