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Reporter Tells Truth About BLM Bundy Standoff

Tweet A NY reporter who got to know the Bundys and the situation at their ranch has come to the realization that the BLM has never used this kind of firepower on the cartels and illegals that pour over border each day. He accused the BLM of “selective management”. He concludes: “So my contention is, […]

Turncoat Glenn Beck

Tweet Listen to this interview with Jerry DeLemus, part of the NH contingent at the Bundy Ranch…. He talks glowingly of Glenn Beck. However, someone ought to let him know that Beck is currently condemning the Bundys and is NOT on our side on this issue. If the above video does not appear on your […]

NH Supports Second Amendment Rights in Connecticut

Tweet NH residents have been fighting the loss of second amendment rights and residents understand the danger of the potential for gun confiscation in CT. Several buses from the Live Free or Die State arrived at the CT rally on April 5 and our own Jack Kimball spoke to the crowd. Read more… A Year […]

Cops Confiscate Cardboard Gun

Tweet And what makes anyone think they won’t take your real gun when the time comes?

Article V Convention to Disarm Americans

Tweet More on the dangers of the Article V Convention: If the above video does not appear on your device, use this direct link:

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