Romney’s Education Plan

Let’s not return to a “George Bush Coma” if Romney somehow wins…

Earlier today, Romney announced his big government “education plan”. We heard from our tea party cohorts in Florida and New Hampshire who were as equally non-plussed as we.

Here is what Diane Kepus from Florida had to say:

“The Federal government, no matter who is president, does not have the authority to be involved in our children’s education.” (We agree!)

“Just this week the salaries of the top college administrators came out – want to know where your tax dollars are going? UCF President Hitt in 2011 made $741,500 for 2 years (he has not had a raise since 2006). It is important to note the article stated “About 40 percent of his total compensation is at risk each year as it is tied to the university achieving strategic goals,” Heston told the Orlando Sentinel. “Payments are not guaranteed – compensation is based on the percentage of goals achieved and no additional compensation is awarded if goals are not met.” I gather by Hitt’s statements we are to feel sorry for him!

The University of Southern Florida President Genshaft made $592,400 for 2 years and the Florida International University President Rosenberg made $561,875

In 1964 President Johnson signed into law the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) of which is mandated by law to be re-authorized every 5 years. This is actually what NCLB and RTTT are with a few changes along with the name – the crime here is the Common Core Standards

The forward in Mr. Romney’s little plan is done by none other than Jeb Bush and I cannot emphasize enough how the push for Charter schools, a “for profit” plan by the Bush & Gate’s Foundations and Michelle Rhee’s “Student’s First”, is all about one thing and that is making MONEY at the cost of our childrens’ future. I say this because to me, if they were really concerned about our children’s educational future, they would take all that money and put it into the Public Schools, clean that up, put oversight in place, take the high salaries away from the superintendents, make them accountable and rid this country of anti Judeo/Christian, International and Islamic curricula.”

Once again, it’s what we’ve said all along – “it’s the education industry, stupid!”

Thomas Flaherty of the Greater Nashua Tea Party stated…

“I find it appalling that a Republican candidate for the Presidency is offering a Federal Government-managed education program; I’m appalled, but not surprised.

Education is a STATE and LOCAL responsibility, and is unconstitutional at the Federal level (how many of us have protested THIS very issue?), not unlike Bush’s No-Child-Left-Behind and Obama’s Race-To-The-Top.

This shows that Mitt Romney IS a big-government Republican, and his policies will simply send us back to 1994, not to a place of reduced deficits or, more importantly, reduced Federal Debt (which is about to surpass $16T).

Masked as a “school choice” option, Romney’s plans for Federal education “reform” will be “tying federal funds directly to dramatic reforms that expand parental choice, invest in innovation, and reward teachers for their results instead of their tenure”

If you call yourself a conservative, and have railed against big-government intrusion into Education, Agriculture, Environment, Energy, and a spate of other unconstitutional, regulatory one-size-fits-all bindings… Romney’s announcement SHOULD give you the shakes.

Are you still angry and vow to “not going to take it”, or have you settled, expecting a safe, Republican President?

I predicted a couple of months ago that, if elected, a President Mitt Romney will offer both a modified National Healthcare Plan (not actually repealing Obamacare), and a modified amnesty-lite program for illegal immigrants.”

(Editors note: We saw that Marco Rubio, floated as possible VP choice for Romney, was preaching about immigration reform. He complained that too many illegals were coming to America but then were ‘finding themselves undocumented’…)

Flaherty goes on to say: “We may as well get our protest flags and signs out, because if he wins we will have PLENTY to protest. For measure, look at some of the nauseating recent legislation passed by a Republican-controlled House of Representatives: multiple debt-ceiling increases, NDAA, CISPA, to name only a few.

Of course, we don’t need the flags and signs if we just give in and go back to our GW Bush coma.”