Browsing » December 2015

Cruz and Rubio AWOL Again

Tweet Both NH Senators Kelly Ayotte (R) and Jeanne Shaheen (D) voted YES to the re-authorization of a very unconstitutional education bill that would continue to deprive states of local control. And in keeping with their current status of missing 80+ votes since beginning their respective presidential runs, Senators Marco Rubio (R) and Ted Cruz […]

Obama and Ayotte Working Against Freedoms

Tweet Yesterday, US Senator from NH Kelly Ayotte tweeted out this gem: When Obama forced his “Affordable” Health Care act upon hapless Americans, millions of middle class insured lost their plans and were forced to pay double, sometimes triple the premiums, or risk being fined by the IRS. Writes Benjamin Miller on FaceBook: “Thanks Obama […]

The BLM’s Path of Destruction

Tweet This BLM fire reportedly killed more than 80 head of cattle, put ranchers trying to save their cattle in extreme danger, injured other cattle, burnt homes and structures, burnt fences and power poles and threatened the town of Frenchglen. If the above video does not appear on your device, please use this direct link: […]

US Makes War, Then We Get the Refugees

Tweet Please note at 00:05:58 the man who sums up the problem: US foreign policy. “You make war and we get the refugees”. The same is now happening to the US. If the above video does not appear on your device, use this direct link:

Message to Keene Superintendent: Leave the Country

Tweet We already know that our schools are hotbeds of socialist indoctrination. In this interview with Rich Girard on Girard at Large radio show, one of our Veterans talks about how the Keene Superintendent of Schools refused to post his group’s announcements about the annual Christmas tree lighting because the flyer included the word “CHRISTMAS”. […]

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