Browsing » March 2011

Violence and Disrespect Abound on the Left in NH

Tweet Recall that the Democrats tried to put in new gun laws all because a few people shouted from the gallery when HCR 6 went down. Note the disruptive and disrespectful behavior coming from the left as they protest the budget negotiations. What with the recent threats of “bullets through the head” to certain Wisconsin […]

History of Bretton Woods

Tweet Globalist Internationalist ‘Free Trade’ Economic Fascism: To quote something John Maynard Keynes said back in 1920: “There is no subtler, no surer means of overturning the existing basis of society than to debauch the currency. The process engages all the hidden forces of economic law on the side of destruction, and does it in […]

Federal Exercise Shows Anti-White Bigotry

Tweet Nothing more to be said about this planned exercise except it will cast bias upon and portray you liberty-loving, lawful immigration-supporting gun owners as ‘white supremacists’. Didn’t they already try that in NH and fail?

Taxation by the Mile

Tweet This idea was floated before and when we talked about it, were called silly. Well here it is, right in the CBO’s report.

Deliberate Dumbing Down of America

Tweet All this started when John Dewey and his Fabian Socialists made a conscious effort to politicize the educational system around 1920. It’s only taken a little less than 100 years to take hold… and now this agenda is being promoted to your children every day they are in the public schools.

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